Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



"Peregrine Falcon Nesting Success in Omaha, Nebraska," in Nebraska Bird Review (June 1992) 60(2): 71.


Copyright 1992, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


During May and June 1992, there were several articles in the Omaha World-Herald on a pair of Peregrine Falcons, which chose the top of the 28-story Woodmen Tower for a nest site. The male was one of a group of chicks brought from the University of Minnesota and raised on the top of Woodmen Tower. He was released from the Tower in 1989 and has returned each year since then. In 1992 he came with a mate, who had been released from a building in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1991.

Three eggs were laid in the hack box on consecutive days between May 7 and May 9, and the three chicks hatched between June 11 and June 13. At the age of about 18 days, the chicks were banded and blood samples were taken. According to Ross Lock, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, all three fledged, and it is expected that they will return to the Omaha area next year. Their parents will likely continue to use the Woodmen Tower nest site in future years.
