Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


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Canterbury and Johnsgard in Nebraska Bird Review (June 2000) 68(2). Copyright 2000, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


With the imminent publication of the Nebraska Breeding Bird Atlas and the turning of a new millennium, it is perhaps an appropriate time to survey the state of breeding birds in Nebraska. Wayne Mollhoft's summary of the N.O.U.'s Nebraska Breeding Birds Atlasing Project (Mollhoff, 2000) provides important data bases for the latter part of the past century, and the historic overview by James Ducey (1988) offers a useful basis for judging the breeding avifauna of Nebraska from about the beginning of the century. The Biological Resources Division of the U. S. Geological Survey's (WSGSBRD) annual Breeding Bird Survey data currently extends back more than three decades and continues to accumulate new information. And R. S. Sharpe, W. R. Silcock, and J. G. Jorgensen will publish in early 2001 their authoritative book, The Birds of Nebraska.
