Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


"Additional Christmas Count" from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1981) 49(3)

Copyright 1981, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Information on the Norfolk Christmas Count was received after the tabulation was published (NBR 49:3). The count was taken 20 December 1980 from 7 AM to 5:30 PM, temperature was from -1° to 15° F, and wind from the south at 8 mph. The count was centered on the intersection of US 275 and US 81 (13th Street and Norfolk Avenue). Since the 15 December 1979 count was not included in the 1979 tabulation (NBR 48: 15) it is also included (the first figure is for 1979). Mallard, 6, 0; Hawk, Sharp shinned 1, 1, Cooper's 1, 1, Red-tailed 11, 15, Roughlegged 1,4, Marsh, 0, 1, sp. 0, 1; Prairie Falcon, 1,0, American Kestrel 8, 10, Bobwhite 122, 160, Ring-necked Pheasant 81, 104; Dove, Rock 233, 161, Mourning 32, 46; Owl, Screech 1,4, Great Horned 5, 19, Barred 1,0, Long-eared 0, 1, Short-eared 0, 2; Belted Kingfisher 1,2, Common Flicker 35, 30; Woodpecker, Red-bellied 7, 10, Hairy 21, 26, Downy 49, 87; Horned Lark 23,47, Blue Jay 28, 36, Black-billed Magpie 19,58, Common Crow 178, 231, Black-capped Chickadee 132,279; Nuthatch, White-breasted 26, 46, Red-breasted 0, 2; Brown Creeper 3, 2, Mockingbird 1,0, Brown Thrasher 1,2, American Robin 22,1, Golden-crowned Kinglet 0,1, Cedar Waxwing 179,60; Shrike, Northern 2, 1, Loggerhead 0, 1; Starling 4,126, 390, House Sparrow 3,056,1,044, Western Meadowlark 32, 4, Red-winged Blackbird 0, 295, Common Grackle 14, 29, Brownheaded Cowbird 0, 6, Cardinal 16, 25, Evening Grosbeak 0, 1, Pine Siskin 0, 25, American Goldfinch 46,120, Vesper Sparrow 2,0, Dark-eyed Junco 388,554; Sparrow, Tree 212,1,342, Field 6, 0, Harris' 185, 382, Song 4, 10. Species 43, 47 (and 1 unidentified); individuals 9,318, 5,679. 1980 observers: Ed and Mark Brogie, Marian Burleigh, John Chase, Irelde Cutshell, Rodger Cutshell, Ara Jane Dunlap, Robert Freiberg, Jan and Tom (compiler) Gannon, Craig Hanson, Layne Johnson, Don Kohler, Virginia Kunkel, Dave Luhr, Don Luhr; John, Mike, and Rick Manning; Doug Peters, Kay Peters, Madelon Pollack, Mary Rowlett, Dave Stage, Ethel Thanel, Duane Wolff.