Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


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Silcock, "Winter Field Report, December-February 1995-96," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1996) 64(1).


Copyright 1996, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


As far as the birds are concerned, this was an uneventful winter, with only a few rarities. Highlights include the second pile-up of rare gulls at L. McConaughy, and a Common Redpoll influx. Best of the rarities (all subject to Records committee scrutiny and pending its acceptance) were a 5th record Red-necked Grebe at L. McConaughy; a first-record Mew Gull at L. McConaughy; Iceland, Lesser Black-backed, and Great Black-backed Gulls at L. McConaughy; a Cassin’s Finch at Crawford; White-winged Crossbills at Norfolk and North Platte; and a Hoary Redpoll at Wakefield. Out-of-season reports were record-early Blue-winged Teal in Dixon Co, Franklin's Gull in Lancaster Co, record-late Bonaparte's Gulls at Sutherland Res, and 2nd-record wintering Great-tailed Grackles at Lincoln.
