Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"1985 Christmas Count," Nebraska Bird Review (March 1986) 54(1).


Copyright 1986, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


The Christmas count includes 101 species, two more than last year, and three species (compared to two last year) were recorded as present during the count period but not recorded on the count day on any count. Two additional localities (Beaver Valley, northwest Boone Co., and Norfolk) brought the total reporting areas to ten. Fourteen species, compared to eighteen last year, were reported from all localities this year. The total investment count this year was 124,642, compared to 345,092 last year and 43,652 in 1983. The Red-winged Blackbird count for Omaha last year was 255,806; this year it was 32. The columns are arranged in an approximate west (left) to east (right) order, with the northernmost of those with about equal longitude given first. The symbol H is used to indicate a species that was present during the count week but not recorded on the count day. Figures that were underlined on the reports, or which were marked “high” are underlined in the table, and those that were marked “low” are overlined. Sighting reported as “species” are not included in the species count if any of that group were reported.
