Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


Date of this Version


Document Type



Steinauer, Robert F. 1998. 1998 Southeast Nebraska Tallgrass Praire Inventory: Johnson, Gage, and Jefferson Counties, Final Report. The Nature Conservancy. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 101 pp.


This report is prepared as a requirement of the 1998 Southeast Nebraska Prairie Survey contract between the Platte/Rainwater Basin Project Office of the Nature Conservancy and Robert F. Steinauer. The original contract called for the examination of Johnson County south of Highway 136, and Gage County east of Beatrice. Due to the scarcity of prairies in these areas, the survey region was expanded to include northern Johnson County, and southern Jefferson County.

Prairies in these areas were identified using infrared and black and white photos, driving on county and within grassland roads, and conversations with landowners. Heritage Program “Site Survey Forms” and “Community Survey Forms” were completed for all prairies examined and all NNHP element species found were documented with “Rare Plant Occurrence Forms.” Locations for all prairies and element species were mapped on 7.5-minute topographic field maps, that include note on general vegetation types seen during drive-by surveys. Species lists were compiled for all prairies examined. This report also includes a detailed explanation of the results and discusses the prairies’ future protection.
