Nebraska Game and Parks Commission



Steve Schainost

Date of this Version

January 1975

Document Type



Published by NEBRASKA GAME AND PARKS COMMISSION - Fishery Division. Copyright © 1975 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Used by permission.


The advance of civilization frequently results in activities which cause changes in the native wildlife species. The economy of the state of Nebraska has submitted its streams to the effects of intensive agricultural and irrigation developments, stream channelization, and dams. The responses of different fish species to these different activities vary but they always occur and are usually unnoticed unless of large magnitude.

Relatively little has been done with regard to noting the responses of Nebraska’s stream fishes to the activities of man. Previous workers have frequently worked within a basin rather than statewide. Jordan and Meek (1885), Jordan and Everman (1896), and Everman and Cox (1896) primarily collected fishes in the Missouri River basin. Johnson (1942) collected fish from several basins within the state. Witt (1970) reported on fish collections from the Nemaha River basin while Gray (1971) collected fish in the headwaters of the South Loup River. As can be seen from the dates, most of this work is prior to 1970 and probably no longer valid due to major changes in land use practices.
