Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Date of this Version
January 1964
Document Type
To obtain information on the hatching success and fingerling survival of the northern pike (Esox lucius) in small drainable ponds, experiments were initiated at the State Fish Hatchery, Valentine, Nebraska, during the spring seasons of 1955 and 1956.
All the ponds used in this work were winter-fallowed, providing areas without fish populations. At no time in 1955 or 1956 were forage fish added to the ponds.
Adult spawner pike for the ponds were obtained from Mothers Lake (in Cherry County, Nebraska) in 1955 and from Big Alkali Lake (also in Cherry County) during 1956. All breeder pike were ripe when they were placed in the ponds. The average length of the females in 1955 was 26 inches; that of the males, 22 inches. The spawners used during 1956 were larger, the females averaging 32 inches and the males 25 inches in length. Female pike from Big Alkali Lake, in the 30 to 35 inch group, represented the 1952 year-class.