Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


Date of this Version


Document Type



White Paper issued by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (2010) 65 p.


The State of Nebraska plans to continue to implement its wetland program over the next three calendar years (2011-2013). In 2011, Nebraska will undertake an intensification study to assess the condition of its wetlands in 10 different wetland complexes. The State will use this information to improve our understanding of baseline wetland conditions, and to prioritize wetland restoration and protection activities. Nebraska will continue to work in partnership with landowners, agencies, and organizations to restore and protect 9,000 acres of wetlands. The priorities for the restoration and protection will be determined by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and the local partners. We will also continue the stewardship and management of wetlands in state ownership. To have effective and efficient wetland restoration, protection, and management, we also emphasize that there is an important and ongoing need for improved information and outreach. The State will achieve our goals through implementing the activities identified in this plan. Note that this will be dependent upon obtaining needed funding and the required legislative and/or administrative approvals.
