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Dean E. Eisenhauer, Derrel L. Martin, Derek M. Heeren, General Editor, Glenn J. Hoffman (2021). Irrigation Systems Management. ASABE.
DOI: 10.13031/ISM.2021
ISBN 978-1-940956-42-8
ASABE Publication 801M0221OA
Like most textbooks, this book grew out of our desire to have written material that matches the educational needs of both the students and the instructor of a college course, in this case a course entitled Irrigation Systems Management. The book is the culmination of course notes which have been in development and use for nearly 30 years.
The emphasis of this book is on the management of irrigation systems that are used for agricultural crop production. There are two distinct components of the book, starting with the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system and how soil water should be managed to achieve the desired crop production outcomes. This includes in-depth presentations on soil water storage and movement, plant water use, managing the soil water reservoir through irrigation scheduling, and salinity management. The book then shifts to the second component, which is the description and management of the various forms of agricultural irrigation systems along with their water supply. Whether it be a surface, sprinkler, or microirrigation system, the irrigation manager must not only know how much water to apply but also how to manage the system itself to achieve efficient application. High application efficiency can only be realized by minimizing runoff, deep percolation, evaporation, and drift onto non-target areas. Since energy costs are an integral part of the management equation, one chapter in the book deals with the hydraulics and energy requirements of pumping and distributing water. One of the key themes spread throughout the book is providing guidance to irrigation managers on how to improve irrigation water productivity (production per unit of irrigation water) and minimize water resource contamination.
Our goal is for the reader to understand the complexities of irrigation systems and how they are to be managed to meet the water needs of the crop production system. This is not an irrigation engineering design book; we have purposely minimized the presentation of design steps and the supporting equations. The intended audience of the book is upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students who are pursuing degrees in Agricultural or Natural Resource Sciences. Example majors include Agricultural Systems Technology, Agronomy, Crop Science, Mechanized Systems Management (or equivalent), Natural Resources Management, Soil Science, and Water Science. We expect the reader to have a basic understanding of soils, crops, physics, and the application of algebraic equations. We have also tried to add enough advanced material to challenge graduate students when the book is used in courses that are taught simultaneously at the undergraduate and graduate level. We hope the book will match the needs of students who plan to work in irrigation and related industries, university extension and outreach, private consulting, government service, or production agriculture and that it will continue to serve as a useful reference to them following completion of their formal education.
Copyright © 2021 by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
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