Plant Pathology Department


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Date of this Version



Plant Disease Management Reports 10, FC097 (2015).


Copyright © 2015 The American Phytopathological Society. Used by permission.


The objective of the trial was characterize Solatenol fungicide tank mix programs and compare performance to Quilt Xcel for gray leaf spot (GLS) efficacy. Corn was grown under normal, irrigated agronomic practices at the South Central Ag Lab near Clay Center, NE. Soils were a silt loam with 6.7 pH and 1.8 % organic matter. Reduced tillage was performed to the field prior to planting. Corn (G11U58-3111 susceptible to GLS) was planted at approximately 34,000 seed/A on 20 May. Eight treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with six replications. . . . Fungicides applied at V5, R1, or V5 + R1 did not cause phytotoxicity to corn (data not shown). GLS disease severity was first measured 7 DAT (R1) and remained relatively low by 44 DAT (R1). AUDPC values were nonsignificant between fungicides applied early and the nontreated check. AUDPC values were significantly greater when fungicides were applied early versus late, while AUDPC values were significantly lower with Quilt Xcel applied twice compared to the other treatments. Fungicide treatments were not significantly different for stay green, push lodging, and yield.
