Psychology, Department of


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Curr Opin Behav Sci. 2022 August ; 46: . doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2022.101168.


HHS Public Access.


This Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences article reviews trials that evaluated an obesity treatment that combines response-inhibition training with high-calorie foods and training designed to reduce attention for high-calorie foods. Two randomized controlled trials suggest that food-response inhibition and attention training produced significant body-fat loss, along with a reduction in valuation of, and reward-region response to, high-calorie foods. However, these effects did not emerge in a third trial, potentially because this trial used more heterogeneous food images, which reduced inhibition learning and attentional learning. Collectively, results suggest that food-response inhibition and attention training can devalue high-calorie foods and result in weight loss, but only if a homogeneous set of high-calorie and low-calorie food images is used.

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