Psychology, Department of


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Young Children, November, 65(6), 28-31. Special Issue on Lessons Learned from Early Childhood Educators around the Globe.


As senior program directors and field supervisors, we at Half the Sky Foundation asked ourselves, how can we empower children's welfare institution staff to provide nurture, enrichment, and education for all young children in state care? Creating an infrastructure for providing professional development was the first step. The HTS training infrastructure for early childhood includes international experts and a cadre of skilled Chinese teacher trainers, who together create a network of HTS teacher trainers (program directors and field supervisors for Infant Nurture and Little Sisters). In addition, Blue Sky model training centers-soon to number 31, one for each province of China operate HTS Infant Nurture and Little Sisters Preschools and serve as the provincial bases for training and professional development. Locally hired infant nannies, preschool teachers, and on-site mentors staff these model centers; some become mentors and models within their provinces.
