Psychology, Department of
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Published in Asia Pacific Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 2014 Vol. 5, No. 2
This study aims to provide a review of potential barriers to seeking mental health services among Filipinos. Research on help-seeking behavior s among Filipinos living in the Philippines and other countries (e.g., US, Canada, and Australia) suggest that mental health services in the Philippines are inaccessible and monetarily prohibitive, and beliefs about the aetiology and nature of mental illness are inconsistent with the medical model. Other cultural variables such as shame, stigma, and collectivist beliefs also discourage Filipinos from seeking help from mental health professionals. Furthermore, these variables could account for the preference for folk healers and lay networks in treating mental illnesses. As such, cultural and economic factors need to be accounted for in conceptualizing Filipinos’ utilization of mental health services. Implications and suggestions to aid practice were also discussed.
© 2014 Taylor & Francis