Agricultural Economics Department

Nebraska Rural Poll
Date of this Version
Document Type
Nebraska Rural Poll, Research Report (September 2014) 14-2, 27 pages
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Also available at
Most rural Nebraskans are not worried or not very worried about either crime in their community or about personally being a victim of crime. However, persons living in or near larger communities are more likely than persons living in or near smaller communities to be worried or very worried about crime. Furthermore, most persons living in or near communities with populations less than 10,000 are not worried or not very worried about crime in their community.
Trust also remains high in the rural areas. Most rural Nebraskans say they count on their neighbors to watch their property while they are away. This is especially true in smaller communities.
Although many rural Nebraskans view various crimes as a problem in their community, they are less likely to believe many of these crimes are a problem today than they did in 2003. People living in or near the larger communities and Panhandle residents are the most likely to believe crime is a problem in their community.
Most rural Nebraskans believe the crime situation in their community has remained about the same during the past few years. Very few feel it has changed for the better and just over one-quarter believe it has changed for the worse. And, few rural Nebraskans have experienced various crimes during the past six months. Persons living in or near the larger communities are more likely than persons living in or near smaller communities to believe the crime situation in their community has changed for the worse in the past few years.
The majority of rural Nebraskans have not made changes in their behavior as a result of their concern about crime. The most common responses made during the last five years because of their concern about crime include leaving residence lights on at night, improving their home security, having a gun for protection, having a dog for protection and limiting the times and places they will go by themselves.
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