Natural Resources, School of


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University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Natural Resources Review: Final Report, December 2003. COOPERATIVE STATE RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND EXTENSION SERVICE, 1400 INDEPENDENCE AVE. SW, WASHINGTON, DC 20250


In July 2003, the School of Natural Resource Sciences was merged with the Conservation and Survey Division and the Water Center Nebraska State Survey. This merger produced the School of Natural Resources (hereafter referred to as the "School") in its current form. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln requested a ten-year review of the School's programs and activities. The review was administered by the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES) in cooperation with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the College of Agriculture, and the School.

The review document is divided into nine sections. The first section provides the basic background to the Report. Sections two through seven describe opportunities and challenges faced by the School organized around seven elements of a framework adopted by the Review Team. Section eight presents a summary of recommendations found within the report and the final section lists references cited in this report.

Key Recommendations

1. Conduct a two or three day retreat to develop the intellectual core of the School.

2. Based upon the outcome of the retreat, develop a strategic hiring plan for all new faculty.

3. Use a professional facilitator to guide the School through sessions on maintaining the identity of existing centers, groups, and teams while building a common shared culture within the School.

4. Establish a leadership team to revisit definitions of scholarship based on the diverse, complex faculty now in the School.

5. Conduct a complete curriculum review and revision (graduate and undergraduate) around core issues defined in the retreat.

6. Establish a leadership team that promotes communication among all members of the School and insures transparency of decision-making in the School.

7. Devote the necessary resources to locate "all" faculty, staff, and students associated with the School into the Hardin Hall facility.
