Sociology, Department of


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Published in The Sociological Quarterly 51 (2010), pp. 179–204. Copyright © 2010 Midwest Sociological Society; published by Wiley-Blackwell. Used by permission.


Using labor market theory, we assess how we have constructed the teaching of required courses on diversity, with the potential splitting of the academy into distinctive labor markets. In-depth interviews with instructors of color and nonminorities who teach required diversity-education courses at a predominately white university are qualitatively assessed and describe the differences in the emotional labor attached to this segmented academic market.We identify specific dimensions of diversity teaching that attach to the job conditions of secondary labor markets, including the distortion of work loads and evidence of differential barriers in the emotional labor attached. These labor market conditions may structurally limit opportunities for career survival and advancement of minority and female instructors.

Midwest Sociological Society Presidential Address, March 28, 2008
