Sociology, Department of


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Hill, Michael R. 1991. Review of The Gypsy Scholar: A Writer’s Comic Search for a Publisher, by S.S. Hanna. Teaching Sociology 19 (1): 104-105.


Copyright 1991 Michael R. Hill


This fascinating, humorous, frequently insightful, and well-written book simultaneously illuminates the difficulty and trials of searching for college and university employment and instructs new teachers in strategies for publishing their first non-fiction book. With humility and hurnor, Hanna recounts his personal odyssey as a "gypsy scholar" in marginal teaching positions in small, denominational schools in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Pennsylvania. Hanna's story is a "life-history document" in the best tradition of autobiographical sociology. Beginning teachers and first-time authors will find this book "a good read," and today's part-time instructors and "freeway flyers" will recognize in Hanna a stalwart and sympathetic colleague.
