Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders


Date of this Version

Summer 2019


Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits Volume 13, Summer 2019, pp.1-20


From ATIA’s open-access, online, annual journal of peer-reviewed papers. Copyright ATIA 2019 Available online:


Purpose: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) aim to provide access to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices via brain activity alone. However, while BCI technology is expanding in the laboratory setting, there is minimal incorporation into clinical practice. Building upon established AAC research and clinical best practices may aid the clinical translation of BCI practice, allowing advancements in both fields to be fully leveraged.

Method: A multidisciplinary team developed considerations for how BCI products, practice, and policy may build upon existing AAC research, based upon published reports of existing AAC and BCI procedures.

Outcomes/Benefits: Within each consideration, a review of BCI research is provided, along with considerations regarding how BCI procedures may build upon existing AAC methods. The consistent use of clinical/research procedures across disciplines can help facilitate collaborative efforts, engaging a range of individuals within the AAC community in the transition of BCI into clinical practice.
