Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Date of this Version



Published online September 6, 2013 (ahead of print) in Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, DOI: 10.1177/1746197913497661


Copyright © 2013 Theresa A Catalano; published by Sage Publications. Used by permission.


Due to the complex nature of global understanding and practice of citizenship, it is essential to understand how to educate for a responsive public sphere with active and emancipated citizens. This study aims to clarify how social movements (through a case illustration of Occupy) are representative of global citizenship goals while illuminating Occupy’s main goals and dynamic nature. Data collection consisted of 45 interviews conducted at four different Occupy locations in the United States. Interviewee comments entwined with key elements representative of global citizenship education are outlined, and findings indicate not only how social movements can be an integral part of citizenship education but also shed light on a unique “we are here” movement that has transformed public discourse.
