Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Date of this Version



Hamann, E. T. (2015). La perspectiva intelectual de Moíses Sáenz: ¿Está vigente su legado? / The Intellectual Perspective of Moíses Sáenz: Is His Legacy Still Relevant? Monterrey, NL, México: Fondo Editorial Nuevo León


Originally published in Spanish by the Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León in collaboration with the Escuela Normal Superior 'Moisés Sáenz'


This book mainly offers the biography of Moisés Sáenz (1888-1941), founding architect of Mexico's system of public schooling and former student of John Dewey, describing in particular his roles in creating rural schools, initiating bilingual education (for Mexico's indigenous populations), and experimenting with linkages between schooling and community development. The volume also includes the author's reflection on the relevance of learning about Profr. Sáenz for his own intellectual trajectory (which includes studying the movement of students between Mexico and the US) and reflections by Mexican educators Humberto Leal Martinez and Juan Sánchez García.
