Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Date of this Version



Hamann, E. T., Zúñiga, V., & Sánchez García, J. (2017). Identifying the Anthropological in a Mixed Methods Study of Transnational Students in Mexican Schools. Current Anthropology. 58(1), 124-132.

DOI: 10.1086/690054


Copyright 2016 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved. Used by permission.


Identifying surveying as more commonly sociological and semistructured interviewing as more commonly anthropological, which describes disciplinary histories more than any fixed formulas, we juxtapose transnational students’ survey answers collected in Mexican schools with their answers to interviewers several months later. From this, we consider what can be learned about research methodology and transnational student cosmology when different methods yield discrepant answers. Without claiming superiority for either mechanism, we find their combination illuminating, and it substantiates the claim that anthropological inquiry can add crucial value to mixed-methods, interdisciplinary inquiry.
