Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Date of this Version



Zúñiga, V. & Hamann, E. T. (2019). De las escuelas de Estados Unidos a las escuelas de México: Desafíos de política educativa en el marco de la Gran Expulsión. In J. L. Calva (Ed.) Migración de Mexicanos a Estados Unidos, derechos humanos y desarrollo (pp. 221-239). México: Juan Pablos Editor/Consejo Nacional de Universitarios. [ISBN 978-607-711-517-5]


This Spanish-language chapter, drawn from a larger book intended to advise Mexico's new national leadership on various issues related to migration, focuses on the steadily growing, overlapping populations of US-born and US-school-experienced children in youth now enrolled in Mexican schools. It notes that that population, numbering more than 600,000, is enrolled all across Mexico, albeit not equally distributed, with municipios (counties) with high international migration rates also hosting high return rates. Moreover it notes that this population's US school experiences were highly varied not only because of their different durations, but because schooling in urban Southern California varies from that in a small meatpacking town in Minnesota or fast-growing suburb like Doraville Georgia. It insists these students merit a serious response by Mexican schools, but also cautions that, given the diversity of experiences, that response cannot be one-size-fits-all.
