Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Date of this Version



Published in The Journal of Educational Research 100:4 (March/April 2007), pp 235-242.


Copyright © 2007 Heldref Publications. Used by permission.


The author describes the evolution of a traditional on-campus secondary science methods course into a dynamic field- and campus-based professional development school collaboration. Whereas science teaching methods were taught in an isolated and independent course, they are now integrated within an interdependent experiential semester that carefully integrates teaching methods, professional seminars, interpersonal relations, classroom management, reading strategies, and multicultural education into a dynamic field-based curriculum for preservice teachers. A faculty team from the Kansas State University (KSU) Department of Secondary Education conducted a series of meetings to establish a collaborative climate in which to investigate the benefits of simultaneous reform of preservice teacher education and the professional development of in-service teachers. School-based teacher counterparts in mathematics and science piloted several models, performed action research, and worked toward simultaneous improvement based on a reflection or documentation, or both, of best practices. Consistent with reform initiatives identified by the National Research Council (1996), the author documents actions taken to enhance the preparation of preservice teachers at KSU.
