Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Hamann, E. T., & Mitchell-McCollough, J. (2019). The Paradoxical Implications of Deported American Students. In E. Crawford, L. Dorner, & E. Bonney (Eds.) Educational Leadership of Immigrants: Case Studies in Times of Change (pp. 88-95). New York: Routledge.


Copyright © 2019 Routledge/Taylor&Francis. Used by permission.


This book chapter (which has no formal abstract) uses the case of two children who had to leave the United States because their father was deported to raise questions about how US schooling does or does not anticipate and support students who will need to negotiate schooling in two countries.

Principals and teachers throughout the United States (and world) have students with transnational ties. Sometimes students were born in another country. More commonly, one or both parents were. Sometimes that means students and/or parents lack documentation, which creates anxiety and ambiguity in students’ lives that schools need to negotiate. Suro and Suárez-Orozco (2015) recently estimated that one in 15 schoolchildren were from mixed-status households (meaning one or more members of that household could be deported), but five-sixths of these students were themselves U.S. citizens.
