Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Date of this Version



Linking Teacher Preparation Program Design and Implementation to Outcomes for Teachers and Students, pages 87–129


Copyright © 2020 by Information Age Publishing. Used by permission.


This chapter focuses on: (a) our development of a research-based, graduate- level science TPP for teachers with a degree in science; (b) an analysis of teachers’ subject matter knowledge (SMK) as it relates to their subsequent use of inquiry-based instruction; and (c) results of a longitudinal study of beginning science teachers who graduated from a master’s level TPP in comparison with the instructional practices of science teachers prepared through a traditional undergraduate program. We offer what we consider to be a typical case of an undergraduate and less typical case of a graduate science teacher preparation program that occur at a large, land-grant, 4-year state university in a Great Plains state in the United States. The undergraduate and graduate programs have some overlapping coursework and clinical experiences, but provided different entry points, depth of coursework, culminating degrees, and rates of completion.
