Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Hamann, E. T., Roman, B., Sánchez García, J., & Zuñiga, V. (2022). The value of pluri-national research teams for studying education and migration. In C. Magno, J. Lew, & S. Rodriguez (Eds.) (Re)Mapping migration and education: Methods, theory, and practice. (pp. 194-211). Brill.


Copyright © 2022 by the authors.


Research team membership should be understood as a prospective dimension of research design. When the phenomenon to be examined is pluri-national – i.e., involving more than one country – as has been our case for more than two-decades of consideration of the educations of transnationally mobile children and youth, it follows that much can be gained by organizing a research team that is also pluri-national. Here, we suggest ways that our team’s border-spanning composition has supported our efforts to pursue empirical questions, like who, where, and how many. It has also allowed us to consider perception questions regarding how transnational students made sense of their various schools and how they were viewed by others in them. Finally, it has allowed us to consider what the school systems that transnational students negotiate want them to know/learn versus what knowledge, orientations, and skills might be most circumstantially advantageous.
