Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


First Advisor

Dr. Theresa Catalano

Second Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Lewis

Third Advisor

Dr. Amanda Morales

Date of this Version

Spring 2-8-2020

Document Type



Culturally Relevant Science Teaching: A Literature Review.

Uma Ganesan Ph.D.

Pro-Seminar TEAC995A - SEC 001, Fall 2019

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

December 11, 2019


This educational research literature review paper aims to discuss the rationale, review eight empirical research studies, and identify knowledge gaps in culturally relevant pedagogy in science education. This paper focuses on synthesis, review, and comparison of the findings of the empirical studies, and categorizes them into thematic heads such as similarities and differences between studies under the broad categories of professional development (PD) programs and case studies. Following these reviews, the author summarizes her reflections and thoughts about the literature to understand the big picture of culturally relevant pedagogy in science education. The basis of this literature review are various philosophical foundations that undergird the research in this field, looking at the theoretical frameworks and standards in science education, such as Next Generation Science Standards. This paper hopes to identify knowledge gaps for future research and help educators address serious and pressing concerns regarding culturally relevant science teaching in an increasingly diverse world.
