Nebraska Academy of Sciences


Date of this Version


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1992. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, XIX: 63-66. Copyright © 1992 Flessner and Stubbendieck.


The pollination characteristics of blowout penstemon (Penstemon haydenii S. Wats.), the only officially endangered plant species in Nebraska, were investigated. Cross-pollination was determined to be the major method of pollination, but self-pollination also occurs. Insects increased cross-pollination. The natural habitat of blowout penstemon has greatly decreased during this century, resulting in only a few isolated populations. The opportunity for cross-pollination with other populations no longer exists. Without crosspollination, lowered genetic diversity of the species may result in less vigorous plants and declining populations. Introduction of new genetic material into declining populations may help to assure the continued existence of the species.

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