Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1991. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, XVIII: i-vi.


Editorial Contents

Nebraska Academy of Sciences Officers, Policy Committee .......... ii

Editorial Board .......... v

Membership Objectives and Friends of the Academy .......... vi

Earth Sciences

Ditching of wetlands in the Nebraska Sandhills: A case study of Grant County (James E. Ducey) .......... 1

Cross-sectional analyses of sediment and organic matter from transects across the lower unchannelized Missouri River (Larry W. Hesse and Gerald E. Mestl) .......... 11

Fossil herpetofauna of the Lisco C quarries (Pliocene: Early Blancan) of Nebraska (J. Alan Holman and M. Elise Schloeder) .......... 19

Fission-track ages of zircons from Lonergan Creek (Shoreline Fossil Locality, Ash Hollow Formation, Upper Miocene) in western Nebraska (Michael B. Leite) .......... 31

Biological and Medical Sciences

A biological inventory and general assessment of eastern Nebraska saline wetlands in Lancaster and southern Saunders Counties (Richard A. Gersib and Gerald A. Steinauer) .......... 37

The natural-areas inventory of Pawnee County, Nebraska (Gerald A. Steinauer) .......... 45

A review of the scaritinid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Scaritini) of Nebraska (Richard E. Clopton) .......... 53

Body-size and wing-length variation among selected grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Nebraska's Sandhills grasslands (Sarah B. Gaines) .......... 67

The challenge of parasitic worms (D. W. T. Crompton) .......... 73

Leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) in central and western Nebraska (William A. Moser) .......... 87

Contamination of the channel catfish (lctalurus punctatus) by organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in the Missouri River (Christiansen, Hesse, and Littell) .......... 93

Pectoral-spine embedding to facilitate sectioning for age analysis of young channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) (Kaminski, Peters, and Holland) .......... 99

The fecundity and reproductive season of Fundulus sciadicus in Nebraska (Actinopterygii: Fundulidae) (Todd A. Kinney and John D. Lynch) .......... 101

The use of whole animals versus isolated organs or cell culture in research (H. Claire Murphy) .......... 105

The vascular flora of Banner County, Nebraska (Joyce Phillips Hardy) .......... 109

The distribution and reproductive phenology of the milkweeds (Asclepiadaceae: Asclepias and Cynanchum) in Nebraska (Kaul, Rolfsmeier, and Esch) .......... 127

New and corrected floristic records for Nebraska-4 (Rolfsmeier, Kaul, and Sutherland) .......... 141

A taxonomic study of variation in Leptochloa fascicularis (Lam.) Gray in the Central Great Plains (Todd A. Templeton) .......... 151

A survey of the bryophyte flora of six south-central counties of Nebraska (Linda L. Spessard-Schueth) .......... 157

History and Philosophy of Science

History of Isco (Instrumentation Specialties Company) of Lincoln, Nebraska (Robert W. Allington) .......... 167

Franklin, Malthus, and Darwin: the push that became a shove (Carl R. Throckmorton) .......... 173

Included in

Life Sciences Commons
