Nebraska Academy of Sciences
Date of this Version
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The macro invertebrate communities of Long Pine and Bone creeks were assessed between July, 1979, and October, 1982, as part of a water-quality monitoring program of the Long Pine watershed. At least 125 and 90 taxa were collected from Long Pine and Bone creeks, respectively. Data were summarized for the six collection sites by density, taxonomic composition, and species diversity. A biotic index, modified for Nebraska waters, was used to describe the biological integrity of streams sampled. The findings are discussed in relation to observed water-quality degradation and land-use practices. Analysis showed a slight trend of impaired water quality from headwaters to downstream monitoring stations. The results represent the first documented collections of macroinvertebrates from these waters, and serve as baseline information to document trends in water quality
1988. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, XVI: 69-84. Copyright © 1988 Maret