Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1978. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies VI: i-v


Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Officers, Policy Committee .......... ii

Editorial Board, Instructions to Contributors .......... v

Symposium: "The Ice Age- When dd it begin and has it ended"

Cochairmen: John F. Shroder, Jr. and Lloyd G. Tanner

The comparative method in stratigraphy: the beginning and end of an ice age (T. M. Stout) .......... 1

The Plio-Pleistocene: sediments, environments, and geochronology along the Karari Escarpment, East Turkana, Kenya (Vondra, Burggraf, Jr., and White) .......... 19

Chronology of some Late Cenozoic deposits from the central United States and the Ice Ages (J. D. Boellstorff) .......... 35

Progress on rock glacier research (J. F. Shroder, Jr. and J. R. Giardino) .......... 51

The evidence for climatic change from Antarctica? (R. H. Rutford) .......... 55

The classical European glacial stages: correlation with deep-sea sediments (G. J. Kukla) .......... 57

Climatic change and the extinction of large mammals during the Quarternary (C. B. Schultz and J. M. Hillerud) .......... 95

Excavations at Natural Trap Cave (L. D. Martin and B. M. Gilbert) .......... 107

The end of the Pleistocene in North America (L. D. Martin and A. M. Neuner) .......... 117

Excavation at the Hot Springs Mammoth Site: a Late Pleistocene animal trap (L. D. Agenbroad) .......... 127

The Middle Missouri Tradition in retrospect ( W. W. Caldwell) .......... 131

The complexity of measuring the impact of possible climatic change on agriculture (R. E. Neild) .......... 135

The origins of spring migratory staging by Sandhill Cranes and White-fronted Geese (R. S. Sharpe) .......... 141

Political and social implications of possible climatic changes (R. D. Miewald) .......... 145

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