Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1996. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 23: i-vi


Editorial Contents

Nebraska Academy of Sciences Officers, Policy Committee .................... ii

Editorial Board .................... iv

Membership Objectives and Friends of the Academy .................... v

Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science .................... vi

Preparation of manuscripts .................... inside back cover


Environmental impacts in the vicinity of Spencer Hydropower Dam during sluicing activities in the Niobrara River, Nebraska (Michael P. Gutzmer, Justin W. King, and David P. Overhue) .................... 1

Inventory and floristics of Sandhills fens in Cherry county, Nebraska (Gerald Steinauer, Steven Rolfsmeier, and Joyce Phillips Hardy) .................... 9

Xylem pressure potential of two perennial grasses, Bromus inermis and Andropogon scoparius, on the Oldfather Prairie in central Nebraska (Charles J. Bicak and Troy M. Walz) .................... 23

Macrophyte production, fish hervibory, and water quality in a tailwater reservoir-Lake Ogallala, Nebraska (Douglas D. Harris and Michael P. Gutzmer) .................... 29

The unionid mollusks of the Big and Little Nemaha river basins of southeastern Nebraska and northeastern Kansas (Ellet Hoke) .................... 37

Chemical residues in representative fish species surveyed form the North and South Platte river systems in Keith and Lincoln counties, Nebraska (Michael P. Gutzmer and Dale G. Luce) .................... 59

An ichthyological survey of the forks of the Platte River in western Nebraska (John D. Lynch and Brian R. Roh) .................... 65

Intraspecific life history variation in Sceloporus undulatus: A factor analysis (Geoffrey R. Smith, John W. Rowe, and Royce E. Ballinger) .................... 85

Birds of the Cedar Pint Biological situation area, Keith and Garden counties, Nebraska: Seasonal occurrence and breeding data (Charles R. Brown, Mary Bomberger Brown, Paul A. Johnsgard, Josef Kren, and William C. Scharf) ............. 91

A New genus of prairie dog (Sciuridae, Rodentia) from the Miocene (Barstovian of Montana and Clarendonian of Nebraska) and the classificatin of Nearctic ground squirrels (Marmotini) (William W. Korth) .................... 109

Innovative teaching strategies in a large, introductory level geology class at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Sanford S. Kaplan) .................... 115

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