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UCARE Poster session, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Research Fair, April 2016, Lincoln, NE.


Copyright © 2016 Dana McIntyre


The Gothic movement in England began in the mid 12th century, drawing inspiration from the Gothic movement happening in France during roughly the same time. Abbot Suger, a French abbot and historian, is often considered one of the first Gothic architects. His renovations to the Basilica of Saint Denis in Paris are said to be the first example of a truly Gothic-style building. In England, the Gothic movement is split into four periods: Norman Gothic, Early English Gothic, Decorated Gothic, and Perpendicular Gothic.

The Modern movement (20th century) brought with it many radical ideas about design. Modern structures were often built with open-plan interiors, and careful attention was given to the materials used. One of the most influential architects of the Modern movement was Le Corbusier (1887-1965). His extensive writings on modernism and public housing greatly impacted English Modernism—especially after World War Two. Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe were also prominent figures in the movement.
