U.S. Department of Agriculture: Forest Service -- National Agroforestry Center



Document Type


Date of this Version

May 2008


Published by the American Water Resources Association.


3 Riparian Ecosystems and Buffers: Working at the Water’s Edge ... Albert H. Todd Introduces the dynamic interrelationship between streams and the lands through which they pass, and the role buffers play today.

6 Riparian Zones: They Aren’t Just for Buffers Any More ... Mark P. Smith, Roy Schiff, and Jeff Opperman Describes the active river area as a dynamic and useful framework for managing critical river and riparian ecosystems

9 Living Shorelines: Restoring Multi-Function Buffers on Coastal Shorelines ... William G. Reay and Scott Lerberg Living Shoreline design offers a comprehensive solution to anthropogenic degradation of coastal riparian systems.

12 Generalizing Riparian Zone Function at the Landscape Scale ... Philippe Vidon, Craig Allan, and Richard Lowrance Discusses the highlights of watershed science in quantifying the impact of riparian zones on water quality at the watershed scale.

15 A Synopsis of Riparian Forest Buffer Restoration Efforts ... Judith A. Okay and David Wise Describes the planning, design, establishment, and maintenance challenges in restoring riparian ecosystems and buffers.

18 Riparian Ecosystem Consequences of Water Redistribution Along the Colorado Front Range ... John D. Wiener, Kathleen A. Dwire, Susan K. Skagen, Robert R. Crifasi, and David Yates Relates how water diversions along Colorado’s Front Range have changed the west and its riparian zones and the issues that riparian management faces in this altered environment.

22 Building Bigger Better Buffers for Bioenergy ... Michele M. Schoeneberger, Gary Bentrup, Dean Current, Bruce Wight, and Tom Simpson Examines opportunities for connecting energy, food production, and natural resource objectives of our agricultural needs.

5 Send Us Your Feedback

8 Advertising Opportunities in IMPACT

11 Future Meetings ... 2008 and 2009 Conf.

11 Scheduled Topics for Future Issues of IMPACT

14 Candidates for AWRA Officers & Directors-2009

21 Highlights of April JAWRA Papers

25 President’s Message

31 Water Resources Concerns in the Next Decade: May Essays

31 Key Water Issues Now Facing Our Nation ... Robert M. Hirsch, Timothy L. Miller, Pixie Hamilton, and Robert Gilliom

32 Water Resources Challenges in the Next Decade and Beyond: Global Change ... Gerald Sehlke

33 AWRA 2008 Membership Application


27 The New Economy of Water ... Public-Private Partnerships Are Becoming a Viable Financial Tool in Pipeline Construction ... Clay J. Landry and Christina Steinhoff

28 What’s Up With Water ... Deliberate Ignorance ... Eric J. Fitch

30 Legal Issues ... Another Lawsuit Takes on Global Warming ... Michelle Henrie and Kyle S. Harwood
