Water Center



Date of this Version

Spring 2013

Document Type



Published by the Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


2013 Water and Natural Resources Tour is Two Days in June

October Water Symposium and Water Conference At Lincoln's Cornhusker Hotel

Ray Named Nebraska Water Center Director; Neale Joins DWFI as Director of Research

From the Interim Director: As Spring Semester Ends, Summer and Fall Events Take Shape

Fifth Global Water for Food Conference

Experts: Transforming Scientific Knowledge into Ag Practices, Policy is Essential

UNL Hosts International Water Officials

Nebraska's NRDs: Protecting Natural Resources since 1972

Research Shows Bentonite-Packed Well Annulus Can Prevent Contamination of Confined Aquifers

EPA Finds More Than Half Nation's River and Stream Miles in Poor Condition

Daugherty Water for Food Institute Extending Nebraska's Reach

Examining E. coli

UNL Extension Irrigation and Soils Courses Online

Water Research in Kazakhstan
