Agricultural Economics Department


Document Type


Date of this Version



EC826 (Revised May 2016)


© 1994-2016, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.

This publication has been peer reviewed.

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Every two years a survey of custom operators is conducted to determine the current rates charged for specific machinery operations. The survey is divided into two parts. Part I includes the spring and summer operations such as planting and harvesting of small grains, and Part II includes information about fall and miscellaneous operations.

The responses are grouped by Nebraska Agricultural Statistics Districts as shown on the map below (Figure 1). Custom rates reported include charges for use of necessary equipment, fuel, labor, and supplies such as baling wire or twine provided by EC826 (Revised May 2016) the custom operator. Seed, fertilizer, and chemical costs are not included.

This report is based on a survey of custom operators identified by University of Nebraska– Lincoln Extension personnel. Questionnaires were sent to all individuals on this custom operators mailing list. The results reflect the views of those who responded to the specific questions. Actual rates paid for custom services may vary from those reported due to differences in those responding and those providing the service.
