Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Date of this Version



Journal of the American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture (1980) 21(2): 35–40


Used by permission.


The Nebraska Vocational Agriculture Core Curriculum Project was a two-year project funded by the Nebraska State Board for Vocational Education. The first year of the project dealt with developing core curriculum materials for both teachers and students for the four-year Vocational Agriculture program. In general, Core I was designed for freshmen, Core II for sophomores, core III for juniors, and Core IV for seniors. These materials were developed on a unit approach with instructors being encouraged to localize by adding lesson plans developed at the local level. The second year. of the project was devoted to implementation of the core curriculum materials. The format utilized in the development of the Nebraska Core materials was that of the Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, with the Oklahoma Core Curriculum for Vocational Agriculture serving as a basis for content. A final concern dealt with the acceptance of the Vocational Agriculture Core Curriculum materials by Nebraska teachers. This study was designed to measure teacher acceptance of these materials during the 1977–78 school year.
