Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Date of this Version



Journal of Agricultural Education Volume 49, Number 1, pp. 17 - 27 DOI: 10.5032/jae.2008.01017


Used by permission.


The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine agricultural science teacher comfort with a new high school Advanced Life Science: Animal course and determine their perceptions of student impact. The advanced science course is eligible for college credit. The teachers revealed they felt confident of their science background in preparation for teaching the course and they emphasized their intensive science background in preparing to become agricultural science teachers. Teachers indicated they had significant background in advanced science concepts, but they hadn’t used the previous knowledge and it required effort to review the concepts related to the new course. Teachers indicated they weren’t completely comfortable with the supplies and equipment necessary for teaching the various laboratories associated with the course but they were able to utilize local resources to assist them. Students interested in health occupations careers found the course fulfilling their needs. Teachers indicated that the transferable skills students gained from the course included the ability to conduct lab write-ups, function in experimental settings, work in teams, and solve problems.
