Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Date of this Version



Journal of Agricultural Education (1989) 30(1): 10–16


Used by permission.


The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes held by Nebraska superintendents, principals, and vocational agriculture instructors about the delivery of adult agricultural education programs within the public secondary school system. The specific objectives identified for investigation were to:

  1. Determine if differences principals, and vocational agricultural education, in attitudes exist among superintendents, agriculture instructors toward adult agricultural education.
  2. Determine if differences in attitudes exist between administrators (superintendents and principals) and vocational agriculture instructors toward adult agricultural education.
  3. Determine the preferred agency or organization (extension, community colleges, etc.) for delivery of adult education as perceived by superintendents, principals, and vocational agriculture instructors.
  4. Determine if differences in attitudes exist between administrators and vocational agriculture instructors by the presence of an ongoing adult program.
