Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


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Reprinted from the Farm, Ranch and Home Quarterly, Fall 1977, published by the University of Nebraska, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Used by permission.


Rural and urban communities and farms have at least one problem in common: the accumulation of various organic wastes. Farms produce wastes such as animal manures, and crop residues such as straw, corn cobs, hay stack bottoms and spoiled silage.
In Nebraska's towns and cities, the organic wastes include sewage sludge, paunch manure from slaughter houses, and garbage originating from household foods and paper.
Some of these organic wastes are associated with the nuisances of flies, odors and dust. Fresh animal manures, paunch manure, sewage sludge and garbage are favorite breeding places for flies. Flies are attracted to odors and moisture. As these wastes dry and become free of odors, they do not attract flies and are no longer breeding places.
Many large communities bury their garbage and sewage sludge wastes in landfills. This is a costly burden to taxpayers that can result in ground water contamination. Accumulations of dry manure in feedlots or animal confinement facilities results in serious dust problems.
