Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of



Document Type


Date of this Version

January 1977


Conducted by Interested Research and Extension Staff of the Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources. University of Nebraska.


Four years earlier a similar dry bean conference was held in Gering. The conference was not structured but was an open discussion. The greatest value of that conference was the stimulus it provided the staff doing research and extension with dry beans. Much scientific work has been done since that conference and it was again apropos to review the status of the research and extension activities. We therefore gathered together in the North Platte Airport Conference Room and spent the day discussing many aspects of the dry bean industry and how each of us relate to it. We needed to do this so as to know what each other has been doing and to coordinate our research and extension efforts.

This conference was also conducted in an unstructured manner which allowed the participants to have open dialogue and the subject matter to evolve in a natural manner from topic to topic. In general, the group discussed extension and seed certification matters during the first half of the conference and research during the latter half.
