Animal Science, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version

October 1991


Published in J. Anim. Sci. 1991. 691428-1434. Copyright American Society of Animal Science. Used by permission.


Components of variance due to average effects of genes (σ g2), environmental effects common to littermates (σ c2), and environmental effects peculiar to individual pigs (σ e2 )were estimated (ˆ) by the Pseudo Expectation Approach (PE). Data were litter size (LS), backfat (BF; centimeter) and ADG (kilograms/day) collected from the Nebraska Gene Pool swine population between 1967 and 1986. Mean square errors (MSE) for ĥ2 and ĉ2g2 and ôc2 divided by phenotypic variance) by PE and nested ANOVA and h2 estimated by offspring on parent regression (REGOP) were evaluated using simulation of 200 repetitions of the Nebraska Gene Pool population. Parameter values for ôg2, ôc2, and ôe2 used in simulations were PE estimates from the Gene Pool population. Estimates of h2 from PE were .18 ± .06 for LS, .56 ± .06 for BF, and .16 ± .05 for ADG. Estimates of c2 from PE were .01 ± .03 for LS, .09 ± .02 for BF, and .19 ± .03 for ADG. Compared with REGOP, PE yielded h2 with smaller MSE for BF and ADG and larger MSE for LS. The MSE of PE was smaller than the MSE of the nested ANOVA estimate for all estimates and traits. These results were interpreted to suggest that considerable gains in precision in estimation of genetic parameters could be achieved by accounting for all relationships in lieu of accounting for only half- and full-sib relationships or parent-offspring relationships.
