Animal Science, Department of | University of Nebraska - Lincoln Research | DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Our discipline-based 40 faculty members continue to receive university, national and international awards for excellence in teaching, research and extension. A highly ranked undergraduate program gives students top priority. Faculty members interact with scientists and industry leaders throughout the United States and around the world. UNL animal science faculty, staff, graduate students and collaborators have great positive impact on animal agriculture in Nebraska and beyond through dynamic networks of discovery and education, increased product value and improved sustainability.

Browse the Department of Animal Science Collections:

Block and Bridle Student Organization

Department of Animal Science: Departmental News

Department of Animal Science: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Department of Animal Science: Faculty Publications

Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports

Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance Program

Nebraska Swine Reports

Range Beef Cow Symposium

World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production: 3rd (1986)