Animal Science, Department of
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Two trials evaluated the effects of level of wet corn gluten feed (WCGF), type of supplemental protein, and supplemental tallow on steer finishing performance. In Trial 1, WCGF was fed at 0, 25 (two diets), or 50% of the dietary DM replacing dry-rolled corn (DRC), molasses, and a portion of the supplement. The DRC control diet and one 25% WCGF diet were supplemented with a combination of protein sources. The second 25% WCGF diet was supplemented with urea alone. The 50% WCGF diet contained no additional protein supplementation. No differences in DMI (P > .10) were observed. Calves fed 25% WCGF plus a combination of protein sources or 50% WCGF gained faster (P < .10) and more efficiently ( P < .10) than calves fed the DRC control. Calves fed 25% WCGF plus urea gained faster ( P < .10) and tended ( P = .14) to be more efficient than calves fed the DRC control. In Trial 2, WCGF was fed to replace 0 or 50% of the DRC and the molasses-urea supplement (DM basis). Both diets were fed with or without 3% tallow. Steers fed WCGF gained faster ( P < .01) and more efficiently ( P < .01) than steers fed DRC. Inclusion of 3% tallow increased gain ( P < .05) and improved efficiency ( P < .05). Feed efficiency is improved by the addition of WCGF or tallow to DRC finishing diets.
Published in Journal of Animal Science 1998. 76:421–428. Copyright © 1998 American Society of Animal Science. Used by permission.