Animal Science, Department of


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Date of this Version



Published in the Journal of Animal Science 30 (1970), pp. 894-903. Copyright © 1970 American Society of Animal Science. Used by permission.


The American public has been made extremely conscious of the concept that saturated fat and cholesterol may be involved in atherosclerosis in man. Likewise, because of their content of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, animal products have become engrossed in a controversy concerning their role in the atherogenic process. No definite conclusions have been made in this area and until further research advances in the field of atherosclerosis, the animal scientist may have to concern himself with modifying the animal product in such a way that it will be more acceptable to the American public. The degree to which this may be accomplished will vary with the species of animal. Swine are somewhat more unique in this respect because moderate changes in the diet can result in dramatic changes in the composition and type of fat deposited in the swine carcass.
