Animal Science, Department of


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Date of this Version



Published in the Journal of Animal Science 43 (1976), pp. 432-441. Copyright © 1976 American Society of Animal Science. Used by permission.


Two experiments were conducted to determine the availability of tryptophan (Try) from corn (NC), opaque-2 corn (OC), milo (M) and freeze dried alfalfa (FDA) when fed to swine. The first experiment consisted of a growth trial involving 96 baby pigs and eight treatments. The basal diet containing .06% Try and 24.5% protein was supplemented with .015%, .030% and .045% L-Try. These four diets were used to establish a standard curve for growth. The other treatments were formed by adding the feedstuffs as the source of Try to the basal diet. Availabilities were determined by comparing growth responses. Try availabilities from NC, OC, M and FDA were 70, 58.3, 70 and 83.3%, respectively, when gain was used as the response criterion, and 77, 65, 85 and 80% when gain/feed was the response criterion.
