Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


First Advisor

Leroy T. Laase

Second Advisor

Ralph Coleman

Date of this Version


Document Type



An Option II Paper Presented to the Faculty of The Department of Speech and Dramatic Art of the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Under the Supervision of Dr. Leroy T. Laase and Dr. Ralph Coleman. Lincoln, Nebraska: May 1965

Copyright (c) 1965 Erva Joy Phillips


Six questions were posed around which this paper is organized. These questions pertain to the population in the Lincoln Public Schools who have a lisp as the only speech defect.

1. What percentage of the speech defective population had a frontal lisp as the only speech defect?

2. What percentage of children with a frontal lisp as the only speech defect were boys?

3. What percentage of the children with a frontal lisp as the only speech defect were enrolled in the speech therapy program at each of the first 10 grade levels?

4. What was the length of time spent in speech therapy for those children enrolled at each of the 10 grade levels?

5. What percentage of the children with a frontal lisp as the only speech defect were dropped from the program for one of the following reasons:

(a) parent's request

(b) further therapy would be of no value

(c) moved from the district

6. What percentage of children with a frontal lisp as the only speech defect were noted by the examining speech therapist to have a dental abnormality?

Advisors: Leroy T. Lasse and Ralph Coleman
