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Thesis (M.A.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1956. Department of Educational Psychology.


Copyright 1956, the author. Used by permission.


The study conducted for this thesis surveys the opinions of students and faculty of the University of Nebraska concerning certain final examination procedures. Some of the things that the survey questions students and faculty on are: what they believe is the appropriate length of the examination period, the fact that only final grades are given and not giving students an opportunity to see why they received lower scores or what their mistakes were, also the problem of “cramming” for an exam.The study also compares similar state universities examination practices and compares them to those of the University of Nebraska.

The author of the study created a questionnaire utilizing points made by the Final Examinations Committee of the University Senate in 1949. With the help of the 1955-56 Examinations Committee of the University Senate faculty questionnaires were sent out and the use of campus mail was used to send student questionnaires.All results were first tabulated by the Examination Committee then again by the author in order ensure accuracy.The author then goes on to address each individual question posed on the survey given out and what the results imply when it comes to how final examinations are handled at the University of Nebraska.
