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Thesis (M.S.)--University of Nebraska--Lincoln, 1956. Department of Agronomy.
Plant material of variable chlorotic field beans was sampled in a survey of lime-induced chlorosis in the North Platte River Valley. Iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium analyses of properly washed new leaves have confirmed that this chlorosis is a lime-induced chlorosis. One percent FeSO4 sprays have partially alleviated chlorosis in seven of twelve locations. No relationship of prevalence or intensity of this chlorosis was linked to any one soil series. Field beans growing in the greenhouse in potted soil from sites of these chlorotic areas failed to become chlorotic.
Field soil applications of large amounts of phosphorus failed to induce a chlorosis or have any significant effect on the yield of dry beans. Similar phosphorus treatments in the greenhouse failed to induce a chlorosis on soils where lime-induced chlorosis was found in the field. These phosphorus treatments in addition to iron soil treatments were evaluated in their effect on phosphorus-iron relationships in field beans separated into old leaves, new leaves, and stems and petioles. Patterns of precipitation of phosphorus in the below-ground area were caused by iron treatments. Phosphorus soil applications increased iron uptake with a possibility of iron-phosphorus precipitation in the above-ground parts.
The soil management practice of heavy applications of phosphorus to the sugar beet crop preceding the bean crop is unlikely to cause chlorosis of beans through iron or phosphorus nutrition relationship. Other factors may be involved.
Advisor: Fred E. Koehler.
Copyright 1956, the author. Used by permission.